Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Animal world android game

This program will help your child learn the names of animals in English and find out what sounds they make. The program works in two modes: 
- In the gallery mode child learns how to look like different animals, as they are called and what sound they are made.
- In the guessing mode a child hears the name of the animal, and must choose the right animal.
A simple interface and high quality graphics will push your child to learn while playing.
The game is designed for phones and tablets.
kids, baby, animals, sound, learn,cat,dog,cow,horse
Animals World
Download ID:556278
File Format :apk
File Size:12,042 KB
Required:Android OS 1.5 or above
Date Added:16th Jun 2012
M24 Rank: ?
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Download Animals World to your phone via WAP
Warning: This download is very large. We advise using the "Download to PC" method only.
  1. Visit http://wap.mobiles24.com on your wap enabled handset
  2. Select Download by ID and enter 556278
  3. Click Download Item
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