Saturday 26 July 2014

Google Ad words Policy For Technical Support

Below is the some of things which you have to keep in mind for creating technical support website.. this is not full list which have to be followed.

Please don’t call us for information on Google policy as our services are chargeable.

These things are based from our experience.

  • Disclaimer : Landing page should mention clearly above the fold ( portion of page which is visible to visitor on loading landing page without scrolling down). Disclaimer should be clear and provide as much information as possible. Example of Disclaimer Below :

Disclaimer : CompanyName is a THIRD-PARTY SERVICE provider for software related issues in desktops, laptops, and peripherals. We provide services through our pool of trained specialists and experts who are certified by leading technology companies. The brand names, trademarks, logos, company names used in the site and belong to their respective owners. Brand names, trademarks, logos, company names used in the site are for representation purposes only.
Disclaimer : CompanyName is an independent online tech support service provider company for third party products. The brands, names, images, trademarks, products and services of third parties mentioned on this website are only for reference and to furnish information. We disclaim any ownership, right, affiliation or endorsement of or by any such third party products.”

  • Plans and Pricing : Earlier Google had policy that user should be able to purchase the item/service in not more than two clicks from landing page. Now you are required to mention your plans and pricing on the landing page itself. Pricing should be clear and provide the information about what the user will get in purchase of the services. A full pricing structure of available services/packages available on the site. Example of Plans and Pricing Below :
TechSupport-Plans Antivirus Technical Support
Copied Content : Minimize copied content. Copied content not even lead to account suspension but impact you account Quality Score adversely.
Contact Us Page : On Contact Us page their must be physical address not PO BOX only. Mention your physical address ( don’t use virtual address) and also use Google map to locate your office address. Also use actual mobile number don’t use VOIP ( Voice Over Internet Protocol) based number in billing information.
WebSite Landing Page : For landing pages that promote tech support for a third-party product, the landing page must contain a disclaimer of non-affiliation with the third-party company. This affiliation can be implied in words, images, logos, etc.
Disclaimer on Images : On landing page their must be a clear disclaimer about brands.
Toll free numbers (TFN) : Ad text should not contain any toll free numbers. Toll free numbers can be used in call extensions.
On Every Page there must be : Disclaimer , Pricing Plans , Privacy Policy , Refund Policy , Terms and Conditions and Contact information.
About your Plans : Never Used words like “unlimited technical support” , “Guaranteed” , “100% Satisfaction”.
Biggest issues are user safety policy of Google regarding technical support companies which cant be explain in words easily and in simple words “Explain your business model as much as you can”.
Time to time Google changes their policies and according to it technical support companies have to change their landing page and advertisements.