Saturday, 9 June 2012

how to make money via upload a documents

Tips for Getting the Most  $$$ Earning from DocCash

  1. Upload More Documents

    Upload lots of documents to Docstoc. The more you upload, the more pageviews and advertising dollars you will generate. For example, uploading 100 documents vs. 10 documents will likely make you 10 times as much money.
    Docstoc Sync - Seamlessly upload entire directories worth of documents from your computer.
    Docstoc OneClick - Identify documents on your computer and use a single mouse click to upload them.
    Upload Page - Upload one or more documents directly to
  2. Get Your Documents Discovered

    Make sure people can find your documents.
    1. Give your documents titles that are succinct and free of extraneous characters.
    2. Use several multi-word tags to describe each document. Separate tags with semicolon.
    3. Make sure to categorize and sub-categorize your documents into the appropriate sections of Docstoc.
    4. Write a description for each document, even if you need to use the same description for multiple documents.
    doccash upload tips
  3. Promote Your Documents

    Now start promoting your content. The more people that see your documents, the greater the chances to increase ad revenue. Spread the word about your documents by linking to and embedding them on sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, StumbleUpon, and blogs.
    doccash social tips
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