Secret mobile codes
Hi guys, now I am posting some secret codes for Nokia, Sony Ericsson and Motorola. I have even told the function what that code does.
Secret Codes for Nokia
*#06# for checking the IMEI
*#7780# reset factory settings
*#0000# To view the version of the software.
*#2820# Bluetooth device address
Secret codes for Sony Ericsson
-> * <- <- * <- * Secret menu
*#06# IMEI Number
<- * * <- Lockstatus
(Hint: <- menus joystick to left and -> means joystick to right)
Secret codes for Motorola
*#06# IMEI number
[] [] [] 0 0 4 [] 1 [] Change pin
[] [] [] 1 1 9 [] 1 [] Enable EFR
[] [] [] # # # [] 1 [] Function :
[] means the * key held in until box appeared
Secret Codes for Nokia
*#7780# reset factory settings
*#0000# To view the version of the software.
*#2820# Bluetooth device address
Secret codes for Sony Ericsson
-> * <- <- * <- * Secret menu
*#06# IMEI Number
<- * * <- Lockstatus
(Hint: <- menus joystick to left and -> means joystick to right)
Secret codes for Motorola
*#06# IMEI number
[] [] [] 0 0 4 [] 1 [] Change pin
[] [] [] 1 1 9 [] 1 [] Enable EFR
[] [] [] # # # [] 1 [] Function :
[] means the * key held in until box appeared
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